Henry now has names for his Grandma and Grampa Boucher. Grandma is 'Jo' for Grandma Jo (just like my Grandma Jo) and Grampa Frank is 'Papa.'
Henry is doing great down here in Arkansas - he is having a ball chasing around Sasha, and he went for a walk with us down to the lake where we got in a bit of trouble by getting Sasha dirty.
Mom and Meg are working on crosswords from the New York Times right now and Dad and I just played a bit of music, although I was out of tune. So, we're going to try it aqain tomorrow...
Henry is sleeping in his own bed. Grandma and Grampa bought a safety rack for the side of the bed and he hasn't fallen out yet - Henry can sleep in a grown up bed all by himself!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Second Accident of the Day.
Car Stop.
Yesterday the car stopped. The wheels (or transmission?) seized. We were turning onto Stevens St. coming back from dropping off Jared after Marc's hockey game in Eagle River. Previous to the stoppage, we had heard a big clunk approaching the stop lights by the hospital, as if we had run over a large dead body.
We were on our way to Northwoods Auto anyway, because the car was smelling really funny. I jumped out of the car and started running towards the shop, but a man with a dog pulled over and drove me there. Luckily, there was a tow truck there dropping off another car. I'm sure he had somewhere else to be, but he was nice enough to get our car, which was just down the street. He had to drag the car up without the wheels turning--by this time, there was a traffic jam and the police had arrive to direct traffic around us. It was much harder to get the car off the tow truck--they had to raise and lower the bed until it shimmied off the back.
As always happens when a car dies for good, we had just filled up the gas tank and gotten $850 worth of brake repair done.
We were on our way to Northwoods Auto anyway, because the car was smelling really funny. I jumped out of the car and started running towards the shop, but a man with a dog pulled over and drove me there. Luckily, there was a tow truck there dropping off another car. I'm sure he had somewhere else to be, but he was nice enough to get our car, which was just down the street. He had to drag the car up without the wheels turning--by this time, there was a traffic jam and the police had arrive to direct traffic around us. It was much harder to get the car off the tow truck--they had to raise and lower the bed until it shimmied off the back.
As always happens when a car dies for good, we had just filled up the gas tank and gotten $850 worth of brake repair done.
Monday, December 15, 2008
More Library
First Outdoor Hockey of the Year
Last day of Baby Story Time

The Word-splosion Continues
Henry now says daily:
Yeah (in a very non-committal voice)
Yes! Yes! (in a very Grandpa Mike type voice)
Bias (Thomas the Train)
Ho Ho Ho
Yeah (in a very non-committal voice)
Yes! Yes! (in a very Grandpa Mike type voice)
Bias (Thomas the Train)
Ho Ho Ho
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New Words for Henry
As Henry approaches his second birthday, he is nearly at the point where he could mimic the words we ask him to say. If he chose to. His new words are:
Otter (from baby einstein movie)
Jo(e) (as in Grandma Jo and Uncle Joe)
two (with fingers!)
the letter "O"--he can find it too!
Otter (from baby einstein movie)
Jo(e) (as in Grandma Jo and Uncle Joe)
two (with fingers!)
the letter "O"--he can find it too!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Goggle Groovy
Here's some dancing...the music is Kirsty MacColl singing with the The Pogues. The lead singer for the Pogues has very bad teeth and sings with a hamster in his mouth. Kirsty MacColl, however, has some very clever music. She was killed while snorkeling in Mexico with her sons by a supermarket mogul who sped his boat into a restricted area....very strange.
Holiday Acres Mom's Night Out
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"Juno" Teaches Empathy
Henry has been talking about the movie Juno ever since we watched it a few weeks ago. In particular, the scene where Juno learns her baby's adoptive parents are divorcing and Juno is crying in the car has stuck with Henry. If we hear a child crying in the store, or a see a picture of a sad person, Henry brings up the scene from the movie. Tonight, Sable's crying brought the scene to mind.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008

We went to the dentist for Halloween, then out to a cozy fish place in Port Washington with Sally and Dave. After that, we went for drinks up in West Bend for Renee's last day of work, slept over at Mark's, drove down to Milwaukee, flew kites, drank coffee, and toured Marc's lighthouse. Next, we went to Shay and Jo's house, played with the cat, and went for a walk to try to find a place for dinner. We got kicked out of the first place, and landed in a pizza place in the neighborhood. We didn't get kicked out of the pizza place. On the walk home, we checked out a CD store. Turned out the owner went to high school with Smart Dean--small world. That night we drove back to Ripon and hung out there for a bit on Sunday before driving back to Rhinelander. It was a busy weekend.

Today, we had Ana, Brad and Baby Darwin over for lunch. This was Henry's first major exposure to a newborn baby. The only time he touched the baby, he petted it gently like he pets Sable. He was mostly impressed by the baby's outfit that included little bear ears on the feet. Henry only threw a ball at the baby's head twice. When I asked Henry if he would like to show his toy to the baby he said, clearly and defiantly, "No! Moim!"
Friday, November 7, 2008
New Words for Henry
Monday, October 27, 2008
First Snow of 2008

We woke up to snow this morning. I'm pretty sure Henry is saying "snow," but you never can tell. We were also late again to Library Story Time, so I set back our clocks a bit--I hope this helps. Our library story time is a pretty good group and I enjoy the adults that come. It's noontime and it's still snowing!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Grocery Shopping
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Baby
Henry is really opening up at Music Garden. The past 2 or three weeks, he's sought out the hands of little girls for Ring Around the Rosie, he's the first one to help fold up the blanket after story time, and he sometimes will even go up to get an instrument from Amanda (if I trick him by asking to get one for me.) Also, he has a laughing fit at Library story time every time Denise pulls something quickly off the felt board. It's a riot. We've been having a good time with our new friends Charlotte and Jared from the Y. Overall, our social scene is looking pretty good lately.
Though we do want Henry to talk eventually, it really freaks me out now that he says, " I did it!" All the time. Pretty much for everything he accomplishes. Fitting in a puzzle piece, peeing on the floor, or kissing the dog. I'm shocked every time I hear it.
Though we do want Henry to talk eventually, it really freaks me out now that he says, " I did it!" All the time. Pretty much for everything he accomplishes. Fitting in a puzzle piece, peeing on the floor, or kissing the dog. I'm shocked every time I hear it.
Pulp Fiction in my Kitchen
I grabbed a leftover jar of spaghetti sauce by the lid for lunch today, and the thing dropped to the floor with a bang and explosion reminiscent of that scene in the car in Pulp Fiction. The dog was covered, my face was covered, the door, wall, ceiling, floor was covered. Sable happily cleaned much of it, but the ceiling remains a bit orange and I can see a few onions stuck to the patio door. Fun stuff.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Intelligence Report
Henry has made visible his growing smarts lately. Opposites are a big game this week. "Stop (whispered)--Go (shouted)" is most popular, followed by "Up---Down." He sings a pretty good nonsense version of Twinkle Twinkle and is liking the ABC song as well. Henry also clearly said "house" yesterday, though I'm not sure I believe it. There is another phrase I don't understand that he says all the time, "neh nets." I really can't put context clues together for this one.
I just put in an order for some pocket diapers this week, so we are going to dabble in some actual cloth diapering. I know this is a bit late in the game, with potty training right around the corner, and no more children on the horizon. But maybe I can convince one of my siblings to take them for their babies. In the much, much distant future.
Anyone know how to hook up the water hose to the back of the refrigerator?
Henry also can blow bath water bubbles now without getting a nose full of water.
I'm really happy I figured out how to post as myself to this blog. Not that I don't enjoy pretending to be Marc, but I'm sure some of what I right wouldn't make any sense in Marc's voice.
I just put in an order for some pocket diapers this week, so we are going to dabble in some actual cloth diapering. I know this is a bit late in the game, with potty training right around the corner, and no more children on the horizon. But maybe I can convince one of my siblings to take them for their babies. In the much, much distant future.
Anyone know how to hook up the water hose to the back of the refrigerator?
Henry also can blow bath water bubbles now without getting a nose full of water.
I'm really happy I figured out how to post as myself to this blog. Not that I don't enjoy pretending to be Marc, but I'm sure some of what I right wouldn't make any sense in Marc's voice.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nay Nay Datch
Henry had a great time hanging out with Mark and Renee this weekend. It was sad for Henry to see them go. After they left, he took a nap and when I went to get him when he woke up, his first words were 'Nay Nay Datch' which means Renee's Truck. I don't know what she did to him, but she cast a spell over this boy. However, now we have some nice new photos of her to put in his bedroom.
During the weekend, we had a great time, and we were able to catch an old time baseball game in which they played with the old rules. It was a lot of fun. The umpire was a real character. St. Croix ended up winning by one run in the 9th inning. I would love to try to play by those rules sometime - it really was special. Apparently there are two teams in the Milwaukee area, so the next time we are down there we'll try to catch them!
During the weekend, we had a great time, and we were able to catch an old time baseball game in which they played with the old rules. It was a lot of fun. The umpire was a real character. St. Croix ended up winning by one run in the 9th inning. I would love to try to play by those rules sometime - it really was special. Apparently there are two teams in the Milwaukee area, so the next time we are down there we'll try to catch them!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
HFM disease
After getting back from Madison on Friday, Henry came down with a fever in the middle of the night. All day Saturday he was limp and completely exhausted with a lowish fever around 101 degrees. He recovered a bit Sunday, but broke out with the characteristic rash for hand, foot and mouth disease around noontime today. It's been going around at the YMCA since June and it was inevitable. It actually wasn't as bad as I'd feared; at least there was no puke. It was mostly a friendly reminder to wash our hands more often.
What Henry Says
I'm not sure if the words a baby chooses to learn reflect what's important to them, or just what letter combinations are easy to say. It's mostly likely a combination of both. Here is a list of Henry's words, mostly in chronological order:
doggie, dada, hat, hot, fish, teeth, shoes, turtle, "cheese fish",cho-cho, Nay Nay (Renee),ouch, boo-boo, oh-oh, mama, cat, moon.
words he stopped saying:
eyes, light, "I got it"
sounds effects he has made:
dog, bird, car, police car/fire engine, snake, bee, elephant, owl, train, airplane, cat.
doggie, dada, hat, hot, fish, teeth, shoes, turtle, "cheese fish",cho-cho, Nay Nay (Renee),ouch, boo-boo, oh-oh, mama, cat, moon.
words he stopped saying:
eyes, light, "I got it"
sounds effects he has made:
dog, bird, car, police car/fire engine, snake, bee, elephant, owl, train, airplane, cat.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Henry goes boating
Johnny Logan - Really!
The Truth Must Be Told
Take a look at this video - ever since Henry learned how to say 'Momma' yesterday it has been his favorite word. However, when Meg was trying to get Henry to say that he loved her most, the truth really came out! Enjoy - although this is a big file, so please be patient...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tonight Henry said 'Momma' and pointed to Meg. It was great. He was very happy about his new word and he said it several times and started running back and forth between us as we asked where Momma was. Needless to say Meg was quite pleased. He's been saying 'Dada' and 'Doggie' for quite a while now, and it's nice to know he can say all our names!
Unfortunately, he fell on the concrete yesterday and bit his lip pretty hard and tonight Meg is trying to clean it with hydrogen peroxide, but he's being a good boy and letting her clean it.
Time to brush teeth and go to bed!
Unfortunately, he fell on the concrete yesterday and bit his lip pretty hard and tonight Meg is trying to clean it with hydrogen peroxide, but he's being a good boy and letting her clean it.
Time to brush teeth and go to bed!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
We all went fishing this last week. It was Henry's first time. We bought him a pole of his own and some worms. Dad even got a fishing license. The people in the store thought we were entertaining. Luckily, we didn't catch anything. Cathi has let us use the rowboat at her house in Lake Tomahawk, and it's a great thing to do during the week after work. Thanks Cathi!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Not feeling well
Tonight Henry is unable to sleep. He went to bed over 1/2 hour ago but kept on crying. We took him out of bed and now he is watching the Brewers game with his Mom and Dad.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Uncle Aaron's Day
The family went down to Ripon for Uncle Aaron's confirmation. About 5 minutes into the ceremony Henry got fussy so he and his Dad walked around Ripon and looked at the stores. It was a lot of fun. We waved at the old ladies in the retirement home and saw some new stores including a new hobby shop!
Today Henry went disc golfing and decided it would be fun to sit in the rough and look at the flowers. It was a beautiful day to look at the bugs - as long as he didn't get any ticks...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Being a Dad
Today both Meg and Henry were sick. Meg was so sick she spent almost the entire day in bed, so I was the sole parent for Henry and Sable. Meg usually puts Henry to bed, but tonight after I fed him his dinner - jello, graham crackers, pretzels and a banana I read him some books and put him in his crib where he read by himself for awhile before going to bed. We had a nice relaxing family day and I hope Meg gets enough rest so she can go back to being a wonderful Mom tomorrow since I have to go to work!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
First Entry
Welcome to Henry's web page. There haven't been any new words today, but we'll put them up as they come. Right now, he pretty much says Dada, Doggie, Hat, Hot, Light and shoes. He can also say Turtle.
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