Monday, July 21, 2008

HFM disease

After getting back from Madison on Friday, Henry came down with a fever in the middle of the night. All day Saturday he was limp and completely exhausted with a lowish fever around 101 degrees. He recovered a bit Sunday, but broke out with the characteristic rash for hand, foot and mouth disease around noontime today. It's been going around at the YMCA since June and it was inevitable. It actually wasn't as bad as I'd feared; at least there was no puke. It was mostly a friendly reminder to wash our hands more often.

What Henry Says

I'm not sure if the words a baby chooses to learn reflect what's important to them, or just what letter combinations are easy to say. It's mostly likely a combination of both. Here is a list of Henry's words, mostly in chronological order:

doggie, dada, hat, hot, fish, teeth, shoes, turtle, "cheese fish",cho-cho, Nay Nay (Renee),ouch, boo-boo, oh-oh, mama, cat, moon.

words he stopped saying:

eyes, light, "I got it"

sounds effects he has made:

dog, bird, car, police car/fire engine, snake, bee, elephant, owl, train, airplane, cat.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Henry goes boating

Here's some photos of Henry's first time in a rowboat. We went fishing the week after this and he had a great time. I'm already looking forward to going back!

Johnny Logan - Really!

We really miss Paul being in Wausau. This was one of his last days in WI and we went to a Wausau Woodchucks game and had a blast. This photo shows Henry, Paul, Meg, Marc and Johnny Logan just after he signed a baseball for Henry. Johnny Logan was a REALLY nice guy.

The Truth Must Be Told

Take a look at this video - ever since Henry learned how to say 'Momma' yesterday it has been his favorite word. However, when Meg was trying to get Henry to say that he loved her most, the truth really came out! Enjoy - although this is a big file, so please be patient...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Tonight Henry said 'Momma' and pointed to Meg. It was great. He was very happy about his new word and he said it several times and started running back and forth between us as we asked where Momma was. Needless to say Meg was quite pleased. He's been saying 'Dada' and 'Doggie' for quite a while now, and it's nice to know he can say all our names!

Unfortunately, he fell on the concrete yesterday and bit his lip pretty hard and tonight Meg is trying to clean it with hydrogen peroxide, but he's being a good boy and letting her clean it.

Time to brush teeth and go to bed!