Sunday, December 19, 2010
Close to the tracks
Today we fixed the HO train. We set up a new configuration of track and had a good time playing with it. Too bad Dad can't wait till Xmas to play with the new toys! It's been one year since we first got the train!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What a Wonderful Time of the Year
This video was taken during our trip to Arkansas over Thanksgiving. It was so wonderful to see how much Henry wanted to play music and sing with Dad. It made the whole house shine. It is very clear that we have a LOT to be thankful for.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
King of the playground
We had a great day today. Glad to have Meg and Henry back home from
their trip to manitowoc. After our boat ride we had a picnic in the
park, played horseshoes, went to the railroad museum and played in the
playground at the park!
their trip to manitowoc. After our boat ride we had a picnic in the
park, played horseshoes, went to the railroad museum and played in the
playground at the park!
Classic boating
Today we went for a ride in a classic boat in Tomahawk with our new
friend Gene. This boat was amazing - the motor only had 10 hours on
it and it was from the 1950's! The boat was made in Peshtigo.
friend Gene. This boat was amazing - the motor only had 10 hours on
it and it was from the 1950's! The boat was made in Peshtigo.
Thanks for the ride Gene!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Conquering the world
It was a big night for the 'Hen-man' as he also learned how to cross
the treacherous swinging toy at the playground!
the treacherous swinging toy at the playground!
Chilling out after the big action on the lake
Henry decided he wanted to play in the sand instead of catching even
more fish. So, rather than going to the beach that was full of litter
we went to the playground to dig in the sand there.
more fish. So, rather than going to the beach that was full of litter
we went to the playground to dig in the sand there.
First catch
Henry caught his first fish tonight! I haven't caught a fish since
probably 1998 and yet he got two of them tonight! Thank goodness Meg
was there to take them off the hooks - I was pretty freaked out.
probably 1998 and yet he got two of them tonight! Thank goodness Meg
was there to take them off the hooks - I was pretty freaked out.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Henry and I really enjoyed the woodson art museum last tuesday.
Tonight he created this "sculpture" for his dad. He said "I want to
love dad for a long time".
Tonight he created this "sculpture" for his dad. He said "I want to
love dad for a long time".
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Playground video
Here is a video of Henry rocking on one of the toys at the sugar camp
playground. This was part of boys day out last Saturday. We make a
good team.
playground. This was part of boys day out last Saturday. We make a
good team.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Henry reading to Rudy
Henry and Rudy (and Darwin) had a lot of fun today. Here is a photo
of Henry and Rudy reading in the back yard.
of Henry and Rudy reading in the back yard.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Henry and Rudy playing on the swings
After playing full bore all evening Henry was completely zonked out
about two hours after this movie was taken.
about two hours after this movie was taken.
Playing with his best friend
Henry went out to dinner last night with his best friend Rudy. The
boys had a great time both in the restaurant and out. Thanks Brown
boys had a great time both in the restaurant and out. Thanks Brown
We're all going to miss you tremendously when you move.
Watching how much fun the boys had together reminded me of playing
with my friend Justin when I was a kid. Brought back a lot of great
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Puff the Magic Dragon
Tonight Henry and I had a good time reading and listening to the book 'Puff the Magic Dragon' - he didn't see why I thought it was so sad. We had a good snuggle. Henry is an amazing snuggler.
Then, Meg looked up the video online for Puff the Magic Dragon, and we watched the first part - I had seen is many times when I was a kid, but haven't seen it in probably 30 years. It's amazing how much of it I remembered.
Then, Meg looked up the video online for Puff the Magic Dragon, and we watched the first part - I had seen is many times when I was a kid, but haven't seen it in probably 30 years. It's amazing how much of it I remembered.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day Snuggles
Henry has been sick for five days. He had croup Thursday and Friday, not been able to breathe well, and has now moved on to a regular cough and runny nose. His cough has made it hard for him to keep down food and made him quite hungry. He finally convinced us to play trains with him this morning--to try to make his request more enticing, he always makes a "nest" for his dad to lay on while playing trains. Sable, very much Marc's dog, can't resist spooning with Marc if there is a big blanket involved.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Taller than Tommy?
Henry thinks he is taller than Tommy Umlor, but sorry to say, he's not. Henry really does look up to Tommy though. Henry received a pair of Tommy's shoes that are too big for him and he really wants to be able to wear them. Last night he put them on and laid down on the floor and fell asleep. It was quite cute.
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