Saturday, January 24, 2009

This package, pictured below, is a constant temtation for Henry. I keep it in the drawer with the measureing spoons, and today when he opened the drawer, he said "Cool. Eat it" I got him to tell me it was the cheesecake that looked yummy, but you never know what a two year old is really thinking. I purchased 4 boxes of this stuff this summer, after realizing that jello has no nutritional value. (What? It's made out of cow skin, but has no protein?) This box here says that the 2 grams of protein per serving does not make it a significant source of protein. Is this in response to Atkins diets? Dumb mothers wanting to make their kids eat jello for unfounded reasons?

Anyway, to make a boring story shorter, I made orange juice jello with pineapple this morning, modeled after a Martha Stewart recipe in which she uses freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. I found it to be just short of nauseating, but Henry devoured it. Maybe he just liked the pineapple?

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