Monday, October 27, 2008

Rocking the Thomas Track

I made this awesome layout last night. Never mind that Henry has OCCD--Obsessive Compulsive Choo Choo Disorder.

First Snow of 2008

We woke up to snow this morning. I'm pretty sure Henry is saying "snow," but you never can tell. We were also late again to Library Story Time, so I set back our clocks a bit--I hope this helps. Our library story time is a pretty good group and I enjoy the adults that come. It's noontime and it's still snowing!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Grocery Shopping

Today, while Henry was helping me shop with his "cart junior" at Trig's, he started contemplating items on the shelf, then selecting what he'd like. Of course this makes perfect sense. He selected an apple-crisp topping from the fruit department that I just made for dinner.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Baby

Henry is really opening up at Music Garden. The past 2 or three weeks, he's sought out the hands of little girls for Ring Around the Rosie, he's the first one to help fold up the blanket after story time, and he sometimes will even go up to get an instrument from Amanda (if I trick him by asking to get one for me.) Also, he has a laughing fit at Library story time every time Denise pulls something quickly off the felt board. It's a riot. We've been having a good time with our new friends Charlotte and Jared from the Y. Overall, our social scene is looking pretty good lately.

Though we do want Henry to talk eventually, it really freaks me out now that he says, " I did it!" All the time. Pretty much for everything he accomplishes. Fitting in a puzzle piece, peeing on the floor, or kissing the dog. I'm shocked every time I hear it.

War Against My Kitchen Tile

Here is the tile on our kitchen counter. At first glance, one thinks, "Oh, how...Aztec?" Then, oh, I like the way the tile is darker inside the textured areas." Then..."Oh, I see, that darker area is a nasty buildup of dirt and slime." .

Pulp Fiction in my Kitchen

I grabbed a leftover jar of spaghetti sauce by the lid for lunch today, and the thing dropped to the floor with a bang and explosion reminiscent of that scene in the car in Pulp Fiction. The dog was covered, my face was covered, the door, wall, ceiling, floor was covered. Sable happily cleaned much of it, but the ceiling remains a bit orange and I can see a few onions stuck to the patio door. Fun stuff.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Intelligence Report

Henry has made visible his growing smarts lately. Opposites are a big game this week. "Stop (whispered)--Go (shouted)" is most popular, followed by "Up---Down." He sings a pretty good nonsense version of Twinkle Twinkle and is liking the ABC song as well. Henry also clearly said "house" yesterday, though I'm not sure I believe it. There is another phrase I don't understand that he says all the time, "neh nets." I really can't put context clues together for this one.

I just put in an order for some pocket diapers this week, so we are going to dabble in some actual cloth diapering. I know this is a bit late in the game, with potty training right around the corner, and no more children on the horizon. But maybe I can convince one of my siblings to take them for their babies. In the much, much distant future.

Anyone know how to hook up the water hose to the back of the refrigerator?

Henry also can blow bath water bubbles now without getting a nose full of water.
I'm really happy I figured out how to post as myself to this blog. Not that I don't enjoy pretending to be Marc, but I'm sure some of what I right wouldn't make any sense in Marc's voice.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rhinelander Postal Public Service

I just found out today that Rhinelander postal carriers don't come to your house to pick up mail unless you are receiving mail. I'm pretty astounded by this. I'm pretty sure that everywhere else I've lived, this was not the case.