Thursday, October 16, 2008

Intelligence Report

Henry has made visible his growing smarts lately. Opposites are a big game this week. "Stop (whispered)--Go (shouted)" is most popular, followed by "Up---Down." He sings a pretty good nonsense version of Twinkle Twinkle and is liking the ABC song as well. Henry also clearly said "house" yesterday, though I'm not sure I believe it. There is another phrase I don't understand that he says all the time, "neh nets." I really can't put context clues together for this one.

I just put in an order for some pocket diapers this week, so we are going to dabble in some actual cloth diapering. I know this is a bit late in the game, with potty training right around the corner, and no more children on the horizon. But maybe I can convince one of my siblings to take them for their babies. In the much, much distant future.

Anyone know how to hook up the water hose to the back of the refrigerator?

Henry also can blow bath water bubbles now without getting a nose full of water.
I'm really happy I figured out how to post as myself to this blog. Not that I don't enjoy pretending to be Marc, but I'm sure some of what I right wouldn't make any sense in Marc's voice.

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